
school and such...

Leona and Ray have both been enrolled into school and Kindy, at 2 different locations, kids here start with half days in Kindy at age 5 and it goes till age 7 when they start year one, so Ray will do 4 half days, 3 morning and one afternoon, it will get a bit tricky for me seeing as all school kids go home for an hour for lunchtime, so unless Leona comes back with other kids it will be 3 trips a day to and from her school (a good 15 minute walk) plus doing 2 trips a day to kindy at another location so basically my entire day will be school trips, I'm hoping to find another solution to this...most school kids here gather in groups and go back and forth by themselves so we will see if Leona finds friends who live close to us.

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Quarantine and homeschooling week 3!!!

Well here we are in week 3, and it went as well as you can imagine, the first picture below pretty much sums it up. First of all getting the...