

The little man is growing so fast and now he lays in his cot and just yells so loud at the pooh mobile above him, he isn't mad or crying just yelling.
He is generally a good baby and sleeps so good compared to Leona who still doesn't sleep too well, at the most he will wake up once to nurse but 4 out of 7 days he just sleeps all the way through the night...I'm so thankful for a good sleeper, he has also started a giggle now which is so cute ans he loves ppl talking to him and attention in general(typical Leo male ha).
He has fallen off our couch twice though in the last week even though I put him as far in the corner couch as possible he still managed somehow and poor baby was so sad for ages after and kept scrunching his face into crying position LHM to be more careful.

Leona has been sick on and off for the last couple weeks with a flu which Dad and Zeth both seem to have as well, TG her fever is gone though she had it for about 5 days and was completely misrable but she is doing much better now.

I had a frightening experience this morning, you may think me silly but I am terrified absolutly petrified of spiders, so anyway I was getting ready to go out to the library and put on a clean pair of pants just off the line when I feel a pricking in the pants leg on my outer thigh so I felt there and there was a lump so quickly tore my pants off so scared of what it might be and a black spider comes walking out it was maybe a inch from top to toe but it scared me so bad and I had a tingling on that spot where is gave me a nibble for a few hours after that,
then at the library something funny happened cause I reserved a book and went to pick it up but they had reserved me the Chinese version heh the lady was asking me how long I knew Chinese for luckily a English version had been returned recently so they got me that one and everyone was happy.


Lady Jo said...

Down under it's good to have a healthy fear of spiders...many are fatal. I hope you didn't get bitten?

SerenaRose said...

I did get bitten there were to little red marks, thats why it tingled for so long and we kept the spider in case needing to tell doctors what sort it was but it didn't come to anything TG

pop said...

I'd like to know who is visiting your blog from Egypt, Portugal and Canada.

Quarantine and homeschooling week 3!!!

Well here we are in week 3, and it went as well as you can imagine, the first picture below pretty much sums it up. First of all getting the...