
some fun illusions I found

The Miracle of Roses!
Octavio Ocampo - Mexican Painter

Octavio Ocampo's paintings always hide several images at the same time which, as in "El milagro de las rosas", can be seen depending on the distance at which the painting is viewed. Click on the painting to view hidden images.
Click Here to Visit Octavio Ocampo's Galery "Visions Fine Art"!


How Many faces are in this painting?


If you find 10, you have an ordinary power of observation.

Find 15, you have above average power of observation.

Find 20, you are very observant. Congratulate yourself.

Find 21 and more, you are extremely observant. Very intuitive and creative.
You can rival the observant power of Sherlock Holmes.

P.S. This is a Painting from Bev Doolittle.

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