
we all love baby einstein

So what do you think of this?


CrazyGurl said...
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CrazyGurl said...

ahahah I read this one the other day. I think the problem would only stem from a lack of moderation (ie watching 16 hours of videos a day). I've seen only good things come from toddlers watching these videos with someone there 1/2 hour a day--their language skills definitely increased and it's also been proven that exposing your kids to the classical music on these videos is great. Personal experience often speaks the loudest.

I get annoyed with these "advocacy groups" telling people what they should and shouldn't do when it comes to these more "grey areas". I.e Don't let your kid watch any tv, don't eat eggs...wait, we were wrong, eggs are actually ok...drinking milk is bad for you, no actually now it's good again...

There are so many conflicting studies going on all the time with some of these "vaguer" thing it's hard to keep up =D.

I'm more for personal responsibility and for experiencing what works for you and your kids. If people still let their kids watch television in excess after everything that's been said about it, another warning label is not going to help them. Baby Einstein, for me, has always been a tool for teaching (because I always watched them with the kids). Which is
why I think insisting Baby Einstein is the root of all evil is a bit

But that's just my (long and drawn out) two cents on it =D

Anonymous said...

I fully agree with you!!!

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